19 September 2006

Lt. Ehren Watada

I know there is a world beyond the world inside my head, my head which is filled with exotic flowers, futuristic pop art, gleaming hardwood floors and organic figs. The real world is filled with war, pollution, and insane politicians. I think about it, I read about it, I know about it. I just don't usually blog about it...

But today I'll talk about this man - Lt. Ehren Watada. He's the first officer in the United States' military to refuse deployment to Iraq; he believes the war is an illegal war of occupation. As a result, he's facing charges of "conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman", a court martial, and something like 8 years of inprisonment. I heard a recorded interview Amy Goodman did with him, and he is so clearheaded, understated, and yet inspiring. He's willing to go to prison because he knows he's doing the right thing. Jeez, he's a modern-day saint and martyr. He's an American hero!

short video of Lt Watada at thenation.com

Seattle Times article from June of this year

Site where you can sign a petition and donate to his legal defense fund


Anonymous said...

This is not a response to your thoughtfulness, just a suggestion for the more aesthetically geared part of you....
check out www.pamelabarsky.com she's a cool, sassy artisan. you'll like her stuff. i think.

captain corky said...

It takes a lot of guts to make a decision like that.