20 September 2006

FCUK French Connection!

Blogger Brae Howard took a photo of two brothers she spotted in a Trader Joe's who were wearing the same tee shirt, and sent it to me. She knows I like to take photos of Fashion Twins. Brae apparently asked them to pose for her, and they actually did. People are less cynical in Maryland, eh, Brae? For I feel certain that if I were to ask someone if I could take their photo here in California, they would ask to see my business card and would demand a contract.

Upon close scrutiny, I noticed that the matching tee shirts they are both wearing are from French Connection, and say HOT AS FCUK. French Connection UK, (or FCUK) has been plastering their oh-so-clever FCUK thing all over their ads, tee shirts, hats, etc., for YEARS. The very first time you see it, you think, "Oh! It looks like fuck but it's really fcuk. Tee hee!" But after you see it about a hundred times you just roll your eyes and sigh at the played-out juvenile humor. Seriously, French Connection needs a new cutesy joke. They cannot rely on this forever!

Even though I said it's annoying, you still want the tee shirt? Oh, all right. Click here.


Anonymous said...

guess what? only one says hot as fcuk. the others says cool as fcuk. that made the pair of them even funnier to me.

pink fluff and stuff said...

They are cute together. Are they lovers? I hope so.