27 November 2009

Thanks, Apple

Shockingly (oh, how naive!), we've been out of a computer, off and on, for just about two months now. A one-year old Apple iMac whatever (early 2008 20" iMac), purchased September of 2008, crashed suddenly. Good thing we had purchased the extended warranty Apple Care whatever, allowing us to take the machine to the Apple Genius Bar (rather than being shit-out-of-luck, as we would have been had we not purchased the extended warranty Apple Care) and be told the hard drive was dead, likely due to a manufacturing error. They replaced the hard drive (took seven days) and then we got it back and it still didn't work. Back and forth to the Genius Bar we go... now it's the logic board... wait, no it's not... repeat three times. Finally a traveling Genius (Mac Medic) comes to our house... opens the machine, tells us that the in-store Genius ruined a cable (the cable looks like a Listerine breath strip) with a tweezer, and he's going to suggest we be sent a replacement machine.

Apparently the FOURTH REPAIR is the ticket: if your machine needs a fourth repair they will replace your machine.

The new machine was released November 1st, but we didn't get it till November 12th, because of course it came from China and then went to Alaska and finally came to California.

Whew! The moral of the story is... I'm not sure what the moral of the story is! Apple could take a lesson from Zappos!

25 November 2009

Shadow Fun

One of my favorite shadows to make is the vulgar penis shadow. You do this by clasping your hands together, bending your knees a bit, and holding your combined hands between your legs so your shadow looks like you have a giant penis. We used to do this in middle school and for some reason I STILL think it's hilarious and usually can crack myself up by doing it over and over again.

09 November 2009

Protea Bouquet

They were selling these interesting, sci-fi-looking bouquets at the Marin Farmers' Market today. The pinkish flower is called protea, and the yellow phallic-looking one... I'm not sure. It's one of the strangest plants I've ever seen!