07 September 2006

Frolicking Naked In Greece

Last night Dear Daniel and I watched Summer Lovers, which was made in 1982 and stars Peter Gallagher (shockingly young and lean but with the same uni-brow he has now), a VERY young Daryl Hannah, and a French actress named Valerie Quennessen. We rented it because Dear Daniel's boss has a small part in it.

Peter Gallagher and Daryl Hannah play a young American couple who go on a vacation to Greece. They meet a sexy, tanned, NAKED Frenchwoman who sleeps with Peter Gallagher and eventually they become a threesome... blah blah.
It's full of cheesy stuff and bad acting but it's watchable - mostly because the setting is beautiful and everyone in the movie is NAKED. All the women in the beach scenes are topless, there are hundreds of naked butts, and there's pubic hair galore, although you never actually see Peter Gallagher's full frontal.

(The worst thing about Summer Lovers is that you keep waiting for the two women to be sexual together, but they never do. They don't even so much as kiss onscreen, and whenever they're in a sexual situation, Peter Gallagher is in the middle. It's so unrealistic and heteronormative. Really bugged me.)

What really struck me - the women all have natural breasts in the late 70's and early 80's, instead of the ubiquitous, perfectly round, half-circle breasts in media images of women today. Also, women actors looked much less worked-out muscular than they do now. Then, there were no Jennifer Aniston six pack abs, no muscular corded necks ala Jessica Simpson, no rippling back muscles like Madonna's. Furthermore, many of the women seem to still have their natural noses. Consequently, to me, all the women in Summer Lovers looked twiggy-skinny, with small breasts and big noses. This just goes to show how warped by TV and movies I have become... Rent Summer Lovers if you want to see what I'm talking about.

But if you want to watch something more explicit, try the old porn movie Insatiable, starring Marilyn Chambers. It was made in 1980. You'll see the same interesting body things I noticed in Summer Lovers, and one could argue that it's a more satisfying film.


More Turkish Delight said...

"Summer lovin' happened so faaast... Summer lovin', had me a blaast..."
Yup, we love us some "Summer Lovers!"
Love this post and glad you wrote about it. It needs to be documented but... Why no Oscar?!

DivineDivorcee said...

Looked up 'Summer Lovers' on imdb, apparently Valerie Quennessen died in a car crash at 31. Sad.

captain corky said...

I think I'll go with your Insatiable recommendation. It's been a while since I've seen the Ivory Snow girl, and god knows I always go for the more satisfying film.

pink fluff and stuff said...

Ah! You know your porn trivia.

octopusmagnificens said...

Hi! I have a question. What kind of role had Daniel's boss in Summer Lovers? He worked in the film?