29 July 2006

Some of my Japanese Tea Cups

I don't passionately collect anything, but I do have a collection of Japanese tea cups. Most of them are from Rafu Bussan in Los Angeles. My old dentist was right next door, and somehow I got into the habit of browsing Rafu Bussan's vast stock of Japanese porcelain and always buying a pretty tea cup after my biannual teeth cleaning appoinment. Not very romantic, I know.
These Japanese tea cups are different from American coffee cups in a lot of ways; they're thick, they're often artfully glazed down the inside of the cup as well as on the outside, and they're often textural, so they feel bumpy or ridged or curved or whatever in your hands. My favorite one was blue and curvy, and I loved drinking coffee with cream out of it. I nabbed it from my dad's house, actually. Somehow it cracked, so I don't have it anymore. That's kind of what I get for taking the cup without asking, huh?

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