15 July 2006


A lot of people have told me that some things I write, and that photographing people unawares for the sole purpose of mocking their fashion is shallow and mean.
To this I say: Dear Pollyanna, Go collect some eggs from the henhouse, and suck on them!

Please - your government is mean. Your boss is mean. And I can hazard a guess that you're probably not sitting around translating philosophy from the original Greek all day, Mr. Deep Thinker. Are you never shallow? And we all make fashion mistakes... I am not exempt. I too own a boring black hoodie and I'm sure that at some point, I will ::gag:: tie it around my waist.

If you by some chance ever find a candid photo of yourself (and your hideous outfit) on my blog or my flikr photo site, simply email me and I will remove you.

Carry on!

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