31 July 2006

Galaxy Granola

At my work there is a huge-normous unlabeled tub of granola, which a lot of people eat with some bananas or berries on top.
I too like granola, but I am allergic to nuts, and the work-provided granola has nuts in it, so I bring my own Galaxy Granola, which I really like. People with nut allergies have to be really careful about things that have lots of ground-up, MYSTERY INGREDIENTS in them, such as breads, cookies... granola. Most of the Galaxy Granola flavors don't have nuts, and if they do, they say so clearly on the label. Galaxy Granola is really crunchy and tasty, and it's made with organic ingredients. If only all problems in life could be so easily solved! So far I've tried Mocha Fudge, Not Sweet Vanilla Munch, and Gingersnap, and I plan to try the Banana next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yum! "Blast off!" You forgot to mention the best part! :) I love their packaging!