10 July 2006

An Edible Weed - Purslane

I was making a salad with mixed lettuces, little tomatoes, carrots, green onions and nectarine slices and found this crazy BRANCH that looked like the succulent they call "jade plant" in my salad mix. It's about seven inches long with all these plump round leaves on the stick part. (You can see it in the salad in the 2nd photo, and alone in the 3rd.)When it comes to vegetables, I'm adventurous, but this SALAD BRANCH kind of freaked me out. So I took a photo to show to my coworkers (I work at an organic vegetable company) to ask them what it was.

Becky, who has worked there for eighteen years, is usually the person I would ask, mostly because she always has a funny story related to the thing I'm asking her about. However, she's on vacation, so I emailed my boss. She called me laughing, and said it's called purslane, and it grows like a weed, and it probably got into the salad mix accidentally; however, it is nutritious and people do eat it - on purpose.

Well, you learn something new every day!

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