06 July 2006

Resisting the "French Manicure" Pedicure

This past weekend I went to a barbeque that had several young women in attendance.
They all had on flip flops (okay - flip flops =zoris for those who know) and they all had French manicured toes - aka "French Pedicure". I've been seeing this for years but this was the first time I was able to actually STARE at a bunch of French pedicured toes for a long time and CONTEMPLATE this fashion.

There are zillions of variations, but basically a French manicure (probably not even French in origin!) is a painted-white nail tip with sheer beige or pink polish over the whole nail. It accentuates the difference between the WHITE part of your nail and the skin-colored part. But aren't most toenails kept short enough that there isn't any white part protruding? So why CREATE a white part? To me, it kind of makes the toenails look longer than they are, which in turn makes me think about being in bed with that person, and being scratched on my legs by her long French pedicured toenails! Ick!

I can see wearing pale pink or sheer beige polish on the toes (though I much prefer far less classy colors, like bubblegum pink, blood red and glittery magenta) but I'm hesitant about the white tip.

Still, maybe I will try it sometime soon; I hate to knock it without giving it a go.
I kind of want to see what this ubiquitous trend is all about.

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