24 July 2006

I Love Fashion Twins

I saw these women, with the same Vera Bradley quilted handbag in different colors and just about peed myself with happiness.

Shortly thereafter, I saw two men together, each with khaki shorts and a bright blue tee shirt, with the same build and coloring, and SO wanted to take their photo, but I had used the last bit of my camera's memory card taking a stupid picture of the driver of the shuttle I was on. Dang, I could have had two in one day.

My obsession with Fashion Twins has now surpassed my obsession with low-rise pants and butt cracks. And something in me has changed - now, instead of looking down my nose at people who are dressed alike, I feel happy and giggly when I see them. Maybe that's why they do it! Does it make them feel happy?! (I will have to ask my mother, whose style is normally so severe and tailored that I almost fainted from shock when I saw a photo of her and three friends, smiling, and ALL WEARING THE SAME HIDEOUS CELINE DION TEE SHIRT.)


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