06 June 2006

Quorn - the Bioengineered Fungal Chicken Substitute

I eat very little meat; if I do, it's usually grass-fed, no hormone, organic, free range and all that good stuff. I eat substitute meat sometimes, veggie burgers and things like that.

Recently, a coworker of mine who is a meat-eater came by with what looked like a breaded chicken sandwich. She offered me a bite.
"Is it chicken?" I asked. "Or soy chicken?"
"It's not real chicken but it's really good," she said. "The brand is Quorn."
I tried a bite, and she was right... it tasted really good and not to be gross but it really feels like chicken when you're chewing it. Like it has that stringy muscular texture of chicken breast meat.

I bought Quorn. Before I bought it I read the packaging carefully and it said that Quorn is made with "mushroom protein." Okay. Sounded fine. (I didn't even know that mushrooms contain protein.)

"I tried the nuggets," I told my Quorn-touting co-worker.
"Try the cutlets," she said, "They have gruyere cheese inside."

Cutlets!? What next! I decided to websurf over to Quorn's website to see what other meatless goodies they make out of this magical "mushroom protein".

Quorn's website links to another page that's all about the mushroom protein.
It's actually a bioengineered fungus or mold type substance that is grown in huge vats and fed chemicals and sugars, named "mycoprotein" and then it's harvested and made into meat-like things. But if that's not scary enough... apparently a lot of people have had severe allergic reactions, including going into anaphylactic shock from eating it.

Some information about the allergic reactions and complaints...

Wow! The future is here, and it's bioengineered food grown in sterile vats... and it's terrifying!

No more Quorn for me.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried writing something interesting in your blog?

pink fluff and stuff said...

... tell me how much you need anal sex and I will write about it...