11 June 2006

Dreary June Weather

This afternoon I ended up in a little shop that sells Paul Frank tee shirt and accessories, Roxy, Billabong, and Reef brand slippers - summer clothes, sunglasses, swim trunks and bikinis. I got really excited because I saw a few swimsuits I really liked, but then reality conked me on the head in the form of a cold gust of wind blowing through the store because a woman had just entered with her preadolescent child. It was a chilling blast of San Francisco-in-June REALITY. It is cold. Cold, cold, cold and foggy and dreary and gray. People wear coats, scarves and boots in San Francisco in June. And July. And much of August.

This is how someone was dressed today. SOOO DREARY! Seeing her made me want to go jump off the Golden Gate Bridge.


Anonymous said...

me too! Hey, is that Diane Keaton?

Heidi on Vashon said...

Seattle's got sun today! I think there's a conspiracy of weather people who give tourists false impressions just to mess with us all.