10 October 2006

Newman's Own GingerMints

They're the organic alternative to Altoids. My friend ordered a case of them and gave me a tin to try. These are less chalky than ginger Altoids; softer. They have less gingery bite to them, too, but they're still good.

The background is a note my calligraphy teacher sent me. That is her insanely gorgeous handwriting. I suppose that's her "casual" handwriting (written on rich, fine paper with a custom-shaped italic nib fountain pen!) - she also does beautiful Blackletter calligraphy in addition to many others types. She studied with Hermann Zapf and worked as a professional typeface designer. Her name is Linnea Lundquist, and she's simply awesome!


DivineDivorcee said...

I always envied people with beautiful writing like that. I lover her "y's". the inverted loop is fascinating.

Anonymous said...

I betcha a rocketworld hoodie, that your handwriting is as lovely

pink fluff and stuff said...

Madame X - are you one of my coworkers, by any chance? :)

Anonymous said...

nope not a co-worker (gasp! you need your own private bathroom...)

just a lurker, stumbled on your blog the first day I started my own double dorkie blog....

You are the child my mother wished she had (may she r.i.p.) tidy, petite, probably one of those brainiac(s), clever and effing adorable.

carry on!

pink fluff and stuff said...

Oh, mothers are never pleased with the kid they got. I was switched at birth and my mom's TRUE daughter (brain surgeon and semi-pro tennis player) is out there somewhere waiting to be mothered by her.

I would love to check out your blog!