21 October 2006

Coconut Skin Trip

I love this stuff; Mountain Ocean's Coconut Skin Trip. The lotion is light and watery, and absorbs quickly, and the soap is rich and creamy, and they both smell subtly of coconut; like real coconut; not too sweet. (Most coconut-scented products smell like a plastic doll; like "Barbie goes on a tropical vacation".) About an hour after you apply the lotion, the scent fades almost all the way away, which is fine with me. I have a very sensitive nose, and most perfumes nauseate me. For this reason, I don't have a signature perfume... I don't even wear perfume. I WANT to be a proper femme and have a signature perfume, but... I haven't found one mild enough yet. I like citrusy scents and I like real lavender, and vanilla... I kind of like Clarins Eau Dynamisante and I used to like Annick Goutal Eau de Hadrien and Prescriptives' Calyx, but my sense of smell has gotten even more acute over the years. It is really strange. Oh, and the worst perfume on this earth is Clinique Happy! It smells like someone melted a Tupperware full of canned tuna (or cat food) in the microwave and then squeezed an orange on the scorched mix of tuna (or cat food) and mutated plastic! I don't understand women who can wear Clinique Happy. They should all be paired up with the kind of men who eat a lot of cheeseburgers and who fart all the time, because the woman who happily wears Clinique Happy probably would not be able to smell the farts.

You can get Mountain Ocean Coconut Skin Trip at health food stores. Whole Foods, if you must.


Heidi on Vashon said...

I like a little Michael (Kors) lotion for the yummy tuberose jasmine spell it casts, but on the flipside, taking a snip of lavender, crushing it up and rubbing it twixt the wrists and neck nape is really quite nice too.

Samantic said...

I thought I was the only person in the world to despise the very existence of Clinique's Happy. It smells like burnt rubber on fresh dog crap. Grotesque. Anyway- glad you are on my side about it!