16 May 2006

To Perm or Not To Perm

Perms are back. Not just back as in, "I see a cute and stylish young couple from Tokyo on the street corner. They look way too cool to be from here. The girl has a perm," but BACK as in one of my coworkers got one, and another person who comes to my work about once a week also recently got permed. My coworker is a blonde California-surfer-girl type, and the other woman with a perm is Asian. The perms are cute on both of them.

Should I? SHOULD I???

The last time I had a perm it was 1988. I just remember my hair getting lighter in color and brittle, and then as my hair grew, of course it was straight, so the top of my hair would be shiny and healthy and straight, and the rest of it would be dry and brittle and and curly. Back then I used mousse and my hair looked like uncooked Top Ramen. I am sure perms are different these days.

Must investigate!

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