28 May 2006

Spare Me the Black Sweatshirt!

Three out of four women apparently agree: it's good to wear a black sweatshirt tied around your waist.
The BEST time to wear your boring black sweatshirt tied around your waist is when you're out walking with your other friends, who ALSO have black sweatshirts, and who ALSO HAVE THEM TIED AROUND THEIR WAISTS!

I once worked at a place where everyone got the same sweatshirt with our company logo. It was ridiculous how many of us wore the damned thing. It made me want to puke! Nauseated, I tossed mine into the back of my closet. Two years later, I pulled it out. It was still crisp and dark navy blue and the writing was intact. "Oh my God, you kept your sweatshirt SO NICE!"
people exclaimed. They were STILL WEARING THEIRS, which had faded to grayish blue and all the lettering was peeling off.

Yes, mine is still so new because it made me PHYSICALLY ILL to see so many people DRESSED EXACTLY ALIKE and I threw it in the closet!

Did anyone see Star Wars: Attack of the Clones?
I think you might have.
WE ARE NOT FASHION CLONES FROM THE PLANET CAMINO, fashioned from Jango Fett's DNA and dressed in white combat suits.

Get a goddamned COLORED HOODIE and please please don't tie it around your goddamned waist! ESPECIALLY IF ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE WEARING IT THE SAME WAY!

Right after I took these pictures, I puked onto the sidewalk!

Now I'm home and sipping an organic gingerale and pressing a cool cloth to my forehead.


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