27 November 2006

Hey. Pleasure Heals!!!

Last weekend, when I ventured to Sebastopol, California, I visited The Sensuality Shoppe. I'm always curious about sex toy stores, since I used to work for the mail order division of one. The Sensuality Shoppe is small and feminine and the three staff members who were there when MM and I visited were all very nice, soft-spoken and gentle. They all had on clothing made of silky and flowy fabrics. The sex toys and porn movies are housed in a little back room. There's a window in the wall of the toy/movie nook leading to the register area, and the window is covered with an amber bead curtain. When one of the soft, silky ladies wants to check on how you are doing back there, she parts the strands of beads gently, smiles, and says, "Are you doing okay?"

It was interesting... The store I once worked for was more like The Gap or the IKEA of sex toy stores: generic, apolitical, bright, overly-cheery, and guilty of the gag-inducing use of too many cutesy, saccharine puns in their web, catalog and ad copy. So by contrast, the overtly feminine, amber-patchouli-ness of the Sensuality Shoppe was fun to experience.
Pleasure Heals. And don't you forget it!

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