22 November 2006

Blue Sky "Real Sugar" Cola

Around two years ago, I had my last Coca Cola; I used to drink Diet Coke or Cola Cola Zero once in a while. When I was really young, we were poor and hardly had any groceries period, but as I got older my mom started drinking Diet Coke, and it was always around. When I was a kid and a teenager, she told me not to drink it, saying it would stunt my growth. Of course, I drank it anyway. Till two years ago, I used to drink one bottle a day (not a liter bottle - a 2-serving bottle, maybe 20 ounces). Then I read some article about how Coca Cola sets up shop in other countries and pollutes them, how they kidnapped and tortured union leaders in Colombia, and more. (see www.killercoke.org)

After I stopped drinking Diet Coke, I lost my taste for it and for any and all aspartame-type sweeteners. I'm not so much of a sugar addict, but if I'm going to have something sweet, it has to be sweetened with real sugars. I have a friend who is trying to wean her husband off Coke, so we split a case of Blue Sky Real Sugar Cola. Blue Sky also makes a cola sweetened with corn syrup, and a ginseng cola, but we got the real sugar one because we thought it would be the easiest one for Husband to adjust to. Plus, cola of any kind is a real treat for DD and me - for the most part, we try to drink water. We drink water, sparkling water, coconut water, and unsweetened iced tea, mostly. We both agree that Blue Sky "Real Sugar" Cola is like liquid crack!!! It's so sweet, so bubbly, and so BROWN. The more water and less soda you drink, the more shocking it is when you actually do have a real soda...

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