12 May 2008

The Best Day Ever

I am unemployed for one week. I start my new job next Monday.

Besides some woman huffing and puffing and sighing passive-aggressively behind me at the Post Office because there was only one clerk and I was mailing a package to Ireland and I had to fill out a customs form (and she can just stop huffing and puffing, because I GOT THERE FIRST...her huffing and puffing only made me write slowly and carefully, adding a serif to every letter) my first day off was awesome. The weather is beautiful and cool and fresh, and a friend and I went for a super long walk-hike, part of it through a neighborhood and part of it out by the cliffs above the ocean. She saw a guy she used to date. Everywhere we go she sees a guy she used to date; it's pretty funny. She doesn't like her name used in public; she has a real thing about that, so now I just call her Killer. Killer has killered half the guys in this city. But she has lived here a long time.

I realized today that I never have to go back to my old job again. Oh my God, the bathrooms were really dirty, and, uh, not ventilated well. The linoleum was cracked and peeling up at the edges and blackened underneath. We didn't have toilet seat protectors, and there were 100 employees, and when some of us asked about toilet seat protectors, they acted like we were asking for a gold-plated bidet! I never have to deal with that again. Not only is there a nice clean bathroom at my new job, but right across the street is a restaurant with an amazing bathroom, and not only that, but I'm right by my boyfriend's work, too, which has about 1001 really clean bathrooms.
We try to keep our own bathroom at home really clean, too. My future is looking like 100% clean bathrooms 100% of the time!!! YES!

1 comment:

Listen Up, MoFos! said...

AND you don't ever have to come even close to downtown or SOMA unless you are going to the Farmers' Market... I love your pic with that big ol' drink and such a happy smile. I'm happy for you. And a little jealous :)