04 July 2007

The Flag

Hey, it's the 4th of July. I'm at work!

This version of the American flag, in sweet bubblegum pink and white, is by artist Maurizio Savini. It's interesting... if you click the picture you can see all the texture in the piece. I don't know what it means to the artist, as I can't find anything written about this piece online (in English). I found the image in last month's ArtForum.

I love fireworks. When I lived in Southern California, in the San Fernando Valley, I lived in an apartment with roof access. Fireworks were shot off from nearby stadium. All the tenants would go onto the roof, and the stadium was so close by that the fireworks seemed as though they were right over our heads. If you were lying down you could almost see the shower of sparks come down around you.

Last year DD and I shivered on the grass at Crissy Field in San Francisco. The fog was so thick there were no fireworks to be seen--only heard. The only fun part was walking back home twirling my glow sticks around for all the people who were stuck in traffic. Not only were they as foolish as we were for going to Crissy Field in the fog, they were even more foolish for driving!

On patriotic holidays I sometimes miss my mother and my stepdad and their suburban-rural Southern California life. If I were there today, it would be the barbeque (with my stepdad turning the chicken and hamburgers with the same spatula and me trying to ask him not to do that since my partner doesn't eat red meat), swimming pool, blender margaritas, and the dry desert heat that I grew up with. Here in San Francisco, it's half a day of work, a pink and white flag, and who knows what else later. Maybe Thai food and a bubble bath!

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