13 June 2007

Who Farted?

Today at work my friend was showing me a fancy pen she got recently. I told her that when I test pens at a store I always used to write "hello" over and over again, but recently I've started writing "who farted?" because someone is going to be testing pens on the same pad of paper and it will be hilarious if it's someone uptight and they read what I wrote. Every time I write, "who farted?" on tester pads at a store I just crack myself up. It's very immature, I know!

We have two bathrooms at work; one is a single and one has two stalls. Today I was walking toward the one with two stalls with the meanest lady at my workplace. I often get that "shy bladder" thing where I can't urinate with other people around, but if I have to pee really badly I always can. So I figured it would be fine to go into the bathroom with her this time. So I went into one stall and a second later she went into the other one. While I was urinating, she sat down (presumably) and there was this long pause, and then she farted. It was one of those long drawn out horse farts... I laughed to myself and I kept smiling while I was washing my hands and applying hand lotion, but I couldn't look her in the eye or I was afraid I would really laugh. Then I went running around frantically looking for my friend so I could tell her this story, but I couldn't find her anywhere.

Now if you have a mac, go immediately and download the whoopee cushion widget and click it a few times while writing "who farted?" in your most beautiful, formal handwriting. HA HA HA!

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