28 April 2007

Original Hem...

Being short, I have to get most of my pants and skirts altered, as well as the sleeves of long-sleeved shirts, jackets, etc.

Jeans are particularly chellenging, since a lot of cute jeans have distressed hems that complement some distressed detail on the pockets, legs, butt, etc. Also, jeans always have contrast stitching (traditionally yellow-gold thread), and if you cut off some of the leg and sew the hem, the thread is never going match the original thread quite exactly right.

The solution is to take the jeans to an excellent tailor who is expert in what they call "original hem". They remove the original hem, shorten the leg, and put the original hem back on. If the jeans are either flared or tapered, they also have to manipulate that little bit of hem so it fits back on just right. When done well, you can't even tell that the jeans were altered. I cheerfully pay twice as much for original hem than for regular shortening because it makes the jeans look so much better.

I like Walnut Cleaners near my home in San Francisco. Of all the places I've tried (including Nordstrom) they do the best job.
Their tailor is amazing; the hems are perfect.

Check out my photos. Inside out, you can see the Frankenstein amputation and reattachment of the fabric, but from the outside, you can't even tell anything was done!

Walnut Cleaners
2211 Chestnut Street
San Francisco , CA 94123

(415) 921-0495

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