21 May 2007

I Said I Hated Ebay. I take it back!

After getting screwed a few times by psycho Ebay sellers, I swore off Ebay. But, like a moth to a flame, I ventured back toward the bright light. What drew me back was the lure of lower-than-retail priced Diesel jeans, after buying DD a pair at full price, which were well-worth the price, actually; the pair he got fit great and are made of organic, fair trade cotton! I just figured why not try to score them in a few other washes, too?

So far the dream of inexpensive, brand-new, perfect jeans for DD from reputable Ebay sellers has not been fulfilled, but people also sell Tarina Tarantino stuff on Ebay!
Lo and behold, I bid and won this mod lucite Tarina Tarantino necklace and paid about 1/4 of what it retailed for originally. Whee! I love it, and I wanted it when I saw it on her site some months ago. Now it's sold out, but who cares? Nyah nyah - I have it now! There's always Ebay!

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