20 August 2008

God Bless Facebook

I came late to Facebook... I already had a myspace and a friendster and a tribe and whatever the hell other social networking things there are out there. My late hamster Skeepants even had a Hamsterster account. Honestly I didn't really see the point of any of them...or the value or benefits. Except for the hamster thing... I did enjoy all the photos of everyone's cute hammies! Along came Facebook, and I came late to Facebook, and again I didn't see the POINT, until the other day, when into my Inbox landed a message from my best friend from elementary school, whom I haven't seen since then, when she moved from California to Georgia with her family. How crazy is that? Apparently this is a common Facebook phenomenon. In this case, I'm extremely happy to reconnect with her, but it's certainly something to think about in regards to privacy and anonymity, so I went through and found several exes and ex friends (this is commonly known as Facebook stalking, I think) and made a "block list" so they can't turn around and find me!

1 comment:

Listen Up, MoFos! said...

You are a wise woman. It hadn't occurred to me to do that... Yeah, I have everyone I went to school with in Chile, some people I went to college with, ALL of my cousins, etc, etc in my Facebook friend list. it is hard to keep up though. Twitter too. The internet is like a black hole that can swallow you whole if you let it.

p/s: I hope you got a ton of ovet time pay for your long hours of work (to offset the unexpected expenses you had)