12 October 2007

Butterflies and Rainbows

Gloomy day. I had to pick up the company bagels at 6:30 am for work and it was raining.
(I was impressed with myself because I put fresh new windshield wipers on my car a few weeks before it actually rained. Hey, I'm turning into one of those organized, prepared people! Now if I can just start actually saving some money...)

As I was leaving work, one of the managers found some swallowtail caterpillars on a fennel plant outside. She was so excited, showing them to three of us who were leaving at the same time. There was already a chrysalis hanging from the railing of the stairs, too. My work is located on a really dirty, dangerous street; by dirty, I mean it's a common passageway for diesel semis and it's a very industrial area--it's polluted and gross. Pretty amazing that butterflies would want to come lay eggs there.

Then on the way home I saw this rainbow. Butterflies and a rainbow in one day. I thought it was a sign I was going to get into a car accident and die on the way home, but I was wrong. I lived to tell.

1 comment:

More Turkish Delight said...

It just means Mariah is around the corner... Tell her I said "Hi!".